Welcome to Jakon Rate, a Shipibo-Konibo family-owned and run non-profit organization that aims to support and preserve the culture and ancestral wisdom of the Shipibo-Konibo in the Peruvian Amazon.


Jakon Rate is the Shipibo-Konibo name of the Great Grandmother healer Manuela Mahua Ahuanari—a name that literally translates to ‘a life-giving good surprise’ and truly embodies both the potential of her wisdom and the character of her actions.


Our vision is a world in balance with the ‘life-giving good essence of creation,’ what is known to the Shipibo-Konibo as the Jakón Néte—an energy of truth and love that can foster regenerative growth and wellbeing.

We do this by creating natural, clean, and safe environments for traditional practices to be remembered, regenerated, relearned, and shared throughout the Shipibo-Konibo Nation and the global community.


The Shipibo-Konibo practice of samá or ‘dieta’ is the most profound method of traditional education.

It is a spiritual and therapeutic practice of isolation and abstinence of certain foods and energies, while making an intentional connection with the energy, consciousness, or spirit of an ally plant.


To realize our vision will require a lot of dedication and support. Please make a monetary or material donation to help make The Jakon Rate Center for Shipibo-Konibo Studies a reality.